Saturday, March 2, 2013

Liebster Award

My cutie friend Paige nominated me for a Liebster award.

Liebster is a German word meaning dearest or beloved, and is an award passed along among new bloggers (under 200 followers) to promote friendships and draw new attention to each other's blogs.
(Stole that directly from her Pa(i)ge!) (Get it... cause her name is Paige...)

So, I'm supposed to answer these questions!

Paige's questions for me:

1) Where were you in the year 2000?

7th grade in the good ol' Cape Coral/Fort Myers, Fl.  Being a nerdy flute girl (still am).

2) What was your favorite hobby in middle school?

Playing my flute as often and as much as I possibly could in a day.  I would get home from school and play flute for 4-5 hours every single day, basically without a break.

3) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I'll be almost 35... I honestly don't know where I'll be.  I don't even have a clue.  Sometimes, I hope that I am traveling the world, playing music for people every single day with other awesome musicians.  Sometimes, I hope that I have a house (a small yellow house with huge windows that let in tons of sunlight. Yes, I have thought about this in immense detail), a dog, and a travel/life partner (male applicants only, please).  Sometimes, I hope that I'm single, living alone in an apartment in a big city with a small dog, playing music, and actively participating in any and all art/music related activities.  Wherever I am, I just hope that I'm happy and having a good time! 

4) If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be?

I'd get a tiny treble clef on my wrist.  But, I'd never get a tattoo.

5) If we got to spend an entire day together, what would we do?

Haha! I would just keep telling you how cute and girly you are the entire day.  I imagine we'd hit up Sonic's happy hour, Target, eat something... maybe try to find other good thrift shops in Waco!

6) Why did you start blogging?

Because Paige told me to!  And because I'm bored a lot (I guess I should practice more...).  And because I really like writing.  But also, it's a nice hobby to have outside of playing the flute allllll the time (which, I love!).

7) What inspires you?

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." 

8) If you could spend one day in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why?

Honestly, I don't think I'd ever want to be in anyone else's shoes.  I believe everyone has problems and issues and troubles and I really don't want to deal with anyone else's besides my own!! But if I had to, I'd want to be Kim Kardashian because then I'd be really rich and have a nice butt.

9) If you could pursue a career in anything other than what you are doing right now, what would it be?

It'd be cool if I was an awesome photographer.  But I'm not, so.

10) What is #1 on your bucket list? Tell me about it!

Move to Paris and study music there.  I. Love. Paris. I love it.  I think about it all the time.  I think about walking through the streets of Paris.  I think about making French friends.  I think about French food, French art, French museums, French music, French people, French... the other 50% of my brain thinks about French men. 

11) What is the worst piece of advice you have received?

I mean no disrespect to the person who said this, because I think their point was completely valid.  But someone once told me to never say that I could never do anything besides music. And I truly, in my heart of hearts, don't believe that I could ever do anything else.  Because I love music, I love to play music, and I love when people are connected with and inspired by music.  It allows me to live.

I'm also supposed to write 11 facts about myself so... Here they are!

1. I am half Jamaican/half Haitian but really, I'm mixed with that, French, British (white Englanders), Irish, Cuban, Dominican, and Spaniard.

2. My hair is naturally super curly but I relaxed (chemically straightened) it as a kid.  I'm currently on a journey to get back to my all natural hair.

3. I like to act like I'm not the biggest softie in the world but, I am.

4. I don't know if I want kids of my own but I looovveeee kids.  (Especially babies!!!!)

5. I have 3 nephews and 1 niece!

6. I miss my brothers and being kids with them.

7. I look forward to the day when I have to take care of my parents (even though they will drive me insane).

8. My favorite thing in music is major thirds.

9. I hope to one day play in an orchestra. 

10. I grind my teeth at night.

11. I love the beach!

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